Surgical Care and Lab Tests

Deer Creek Veterinary Hospital provides a full range of surgical services for your pets. We offer a well-equipped facility, and experienced team, to provide your pet with high-quality surgical care in a stress-free and healing environment.
Our veterinarians are experienced with a range of surgeries. All of our procedures include a thorough pre-surgical physical examination, surgical monitoring, and lots of care and attention throughout the day.
Your pet's safety and comfort are our top priority, so you can be sure that your pet will receive only the best and safest anesthetic and surgical care.
Spayed and neutered pets live a longer and healthier life! Electing to spay or neuter your pet will help to prevent uterine infections, mammary tumors, testicular cancer, and unwanted behavior problems. Our veterinarians will be happy to discuss the timing and benefits of these procedures with you.
Deer Creek Vet does not perform declawing of cats. We encourage anyone considering this surgery to read the information here and/or call for more information.
Deer Creek Veterinary Hospital provides a full range of in-house laboratory testing including:
* Complete Blood Counts and Chemistry
* Heartworm Testing
* Complete Urinalysis
* Some endoscopic procedures
* Radiology/X-rays